We assist qualified landowners file for agricultural assessments relating to their farmland.
Many acres of our landscape would remain idle or be converted to another form of land use without this important state program.
Agricultural Districts Law allows reduced property tax bills for land in agricultural production by limiting the property tax assessment of such land to its prescribed agricultural assessment value.
As part of a statewide program, we complete Soil Group Worksheets for farmland owners applying for an agricultural assessment. We plot the boundaries of each farmed parcel on a soil map, determine the acreage in each soil group and categorize the soil. (Each soil group is valued differently for farmland assessment purposes.)
Assessors use the worksheets to calculate a real property assessment based on soil productivity. This allows farmland to be assessed based on its agricultural value, rather than its full market value, keeping land in production.
These open workable lands provide wildlife habitat, open space, natural resource diversification, employment & economic opportunities.
Please contact us for more information or to set up an appointment for a Soil Group Worksheet.
Many acres of our landscape would remain idle or be converted to another form of land use without this important state program.
Agricultural Districts Law allows reduced property tax bills for land in agricultural production by limiting the property tax assessment of such land to its prescribed agricultural assessment value.
As part of a statewide program, we complete Soil Group Worksheets for farmland owners applying for an agricultural assessment. We plot the boundaries of each farmed parcel on a soil map, determine the acreage in each soil group and categorize the soil. (Each soil group is valued differently for farmland assessment purposes.)
Assessors use the worksheets to calculate a real property assessment based on soil productivity. This allows farmland to be assessed based on its agricultural value, rather than its full market value, keeping land in production.
These open workable lands provide wildlife habitat, open space, natural resource diversification, employment & economic opportunities.
Please contact us for more information or to set up an appointment for a Soil Group Worksheet.